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Donation Instead of Gifts

FIS donates 15,000 Euros to the Elterninitiative leukämie- und tumorkranker Kinder Würzburg e.V. (Parents' Initiative for Children with Leukemia and Tumor-related Illnesses)

FIS Informationssysteme und Consulting GmbH (FIS) does without Christmas presents for customers and partners and instead donates 15,000 Euros to the Elterninitiative leukämie- und tumorkranker Kinder Würzburg e.V. (Parents’ Initiative for Children with Leukemia and Tumor-related Illnesses)

For many years, FIS has remained true to the “Donations instead of gifts” philosophy to support vulnerable children. This year, the Elterninitiative leukämie- und tumorkranker Kinder Würzburg e.V. received a generous donation, which was handed over by the FIS management board to Claudia Roßberg, a management board member of the non-profit association, on August 2, 2019.

This parents’ initiative is part of the “Deutsche Leukämie-Forschungshilfe Aktion für krebskranke Kinder e.V.” (German Leukemia Research Help Action for Children Suffering from Cancer) umbrella organization and has committed itself to supporting the “Regenbogen” (Rainbow) cancer ward, the “Leuchtturm” (Lighthouse) daycare clinic and the “Schatzinsel” (Treasure Island) stem cell transplantation center of Wurzburg University Hospital. Annually, up to 100 children diagnosed with cancer are treated in these oncology wards.

“The support of vulnerable children and young people has always been a matter close to our hearts. This is why we are very happy to support the Wurzburg parents’ initiative with our donation,” explains Christian Lang, member of the FIS management board.

The initiative offers a comprehensive range of support services: from psychosocial support and aftercare of the whole family during and after the therapy, therapeutic offers, outpatient home care after the inpatient stay and research promotion to the provision of 13 parent apartments near the Wurzburg children’s hospital. “The sick children and their families go through a terrible time. It is good to have this parents’ initiative and its emotional support for children with cancer. We are happy to make a financial contribution and are also pleased about the positive feedback from our customers,” emphasizes FIS managing director Ralf Bernhardt.

(Photograph above: Ursula Lux)

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