FIS Informationssysteme und Consulting GmbH has successfully completed an extensive project with the RAFI Group, the technology leader in E2MS and all HMI topics: At the Mezötúr location in Hungary, the SAP modules for logistics and production were implemented. The headquarters in Berg and the location in Mezötúr previously had only one SAP plant, i.e. only one permanent establishment within the company code since the plant in Hungary is not mapped as a legally self-accounting unit. Prior to the implementation, goods movements between the Hungarian and German locations were mapped using a construct that did not allow stock transport orders and that made it difficult to plan goods movements in terms of time – a task that was both legally and technically demanding and called for an intelligent distribution of goods.
Intelligent distribution of goods and requirements-based determination
The location in Hungary is now managed as an independent SAP plant in the German company code. This allows for separate inventory controlling, higher transparency of material flows and inventories as well as of production and also minimizes the tax burden abroad or the tax risk. The goods for all locations are purchased via Germany – the FIS logic decides which location needs them based on the current requirement and stock situation. This enables a time-, quantity- as well as demand-oriented decision-making.In addition, the physical movement in the German warehouse is minimized – the goods for Hungary are temporarily stored in appropriate staging racks to reduce manual efforts for the warehouse staff. Processes in the Group have been standardized and the granularity and quality of planning improved. RAFI now has optimum inventory and requirement transparency thanks to separate logistics processing.
Implementation in the coaching approach
As a long-time SAP user, RAFI nevertheless brought in an experienced SAP service provider to jointly solve this challenging technical task. “The cooperation of all project participants was completely unbureaucratic and collegial,” says Daniel Walter, SAP Consultant at FIS. “The project implementation in the coaching approach confirms the trust placed in us by our customer, which is an important prerequisite in this implementation approach”, adds Martin Ochs, Senior Solution Architect at FIS.
“We are satisfied with the project result,” confirms Tamara Heilig, SAP In-house Consultant and IT Project Manager at RAFI. “Despite the fluidity of responsibilities in programming, testing and going live, the cooperation was extremely constructive and collaborative – I highly recommend FIS.”
This gives RAFI a good starting point for implementing SAP warehouse logistics solutions in SAP S/4HANA.Preliminary studies and internal analyses are already running for SAP Extended Warehouse Management (EWM).
FIS Informationssysteme und Consulting GmbH
FIS Informationssysteme und Consulting GmbH is an expanding and independent enterprise and the roof of the FIS Group, which employs more than 800 persons making companies more modern, economic and competitive every day. FIS focuses on SAP projects and the development of efficient solutions promoting digitization within companies. As one of the leading value-added SAP resellers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, FIS is the market leader in technical wholesale with the all-in-one FIS/wws solution. Together with its Medienwerft subsidiary, FIS covers the complete range of SAP topics in the field of Customer Experience (CX).